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How to Transfer Windows 10 OS from HDD to SDD without Data Loss (Updated)

In Windows 10, booting time has already been improved as compared to the previous versions of Windows. But, still, if you transfer windows 10 from HDD to SSD, then you will observe a significant improvement in the booting time and overall performance of your computer system. Today, several Windows users are wondering whether they can Move Windows 10 OS to SSD without any loss of the data.

There are plenty of different options available to transfer your system data from your current and old HDD to a new and fast SDD. Today, in this post, we are going to talk about all those methods which can enable you to move your data from HDD to SDD and that’s without losing any data.

SSDs provide fast boot time and shorter application load time. There are no moving parts in SSD, which makes SSD quieter and has less possibility to get damaged in. Read comparision betwen HDD and SSD


Move Windows 10 OS to SSD

Okay, so if you want your Windows 10 to run super-fast, then you need to ditch your old and slow HDD and move to SDD. To replace your data from HDD to SDD, you can try the following methods.

Before copying and moving anything, make sure you clean out your un necessary files to make the transition as quick and painless as possible. you Can do this useing building Disk cleanup tool or Storage sense on windows 10.

Use AOMEI Backupper Standard

You can very easily use the AOMEU Backupper Standard to shift your operating system to your new SDD. For this, you have to just commence following operations successfully on your computer.

  1. First of all, you need to download and install the AOMEI Backupper Standard for your machine.

  2. In the next step, you have to connect your hard drive with your computer system.

  3. Once HDD is connected to your computer, then you can go to Clone and the next System Clone to start the process.

  4. Now, you will see the new window on your screen which will ask you where you want to move your operating system files. And, here you should select SDD and confirm your choice on the next page.

  5. Just press the next and keep on following the instructions coming on your screen to complete to process. Now, your data is moved to SDD files!

Use EaseUS Todo backup

There is some other secondary software available also which you can use to transfer HDD data to SDD without any loss. For this can follow this command line –

  1. Foremost, open EaseUS Todo backup on your computer.

  2. From the left sidebar, you can select the Clone option and click on Disk Clone.

  3. Now, select your current hard drive with Windows 10 installed on as the source, and choose your SSD as the target.

  4. Check the box named Optimise for SDD. This option will just make sure that your partition is perfectly formatted for the SDD transfer. And, then click on the Next button.

  5. Now, the software will begin to copy your disk. You can shut down the computer when the entire process is accomplished and your transformation process is fully done.

Once the move is completed without any error and your system is moved to the SDD, then all you are left to do is to get rid of the HDD partition from your Windows 10. To wipe the original drive from your computer, you need to do –

  1. Open This PC.

  2. Navigate the system drive and click right on the icon.

  3. Then, select the format.

  4. You have to wait for some time until the process is complete.

And, that’s just it, now your Windows 10 is moved to the SDD drive successfully without any hassle. You will be now able to function a lot faster from now onwards. But, your work isn’t done yet as you have to do some more work. You need to restore your files and user folders. As your new SDD drive won’t have enough space so you have to save your files on the old HDD drive.

However, to transfer your files and user folder to HDD without any trouble, we have some further instructions for you. For which you have to go to your old drive that will be now empty and create a new folder to store all of your folders and personal files. Later, you have to go to C:\Users\<your username> and here you will see all of your user folders. You can go to the Location tab by clicking over Properties from the right-click menu.

Then, you have to press the move button and select your newly created folder as the target location. And, all your folders will be placed on your HDD drives such as Desktop, Downloads, Documents, Pictures, Music, and many more.

Now, you just need to restore your personal files and that can be done by following steps.

  1. Open your backup software whichever you have used earlier.

  2. And, next, you have to drag all of your user files like documents, music, etc., to your new My Document and My Music or so on.

Now, all your files will be accessible besides that they are not the system partition anymore. By just changing the settings of your favorite apps and games, you are good to go. So, that is the entire process to transfer windows 10 from HDD to SSD. We hope that you learned everything that you need to make your system faster with an SDD drive.

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